GE.14-06404 (E)


Human Rights Council Twenty-sixth session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

Argentina, Austria, Chile, Colombia,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Croatia,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Czech Republic, Denmark,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Estonia, Finland,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. France, Germany, Greece,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Guatemala,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Hungary,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Ireland, Italy, Lithuania,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Malta,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Netherlands,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. New Zealand,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Norway,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Poland,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Portugal,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Romania, Slovakia,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Slovenia,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Spain,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Sweden,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. Switzerland,Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay:Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. amendment to draft resolution A/HRC/26/L.20/Rev.1

26/… Protection of the family

Paragraph 1 should read

1. Decides to convene, at its twenty-seventh session, a panel discussion on the protection of the family and its members, to address the implementation of States’ obligations under relevant provisions of international human rights law and to discuss challenges and best practices in this regard, bearing in mind that, in different cultural, political and social systems, various forms of the family exist;