Original HRC document


Document Type: Amendment Resolution

Date: 2016 Sep

Session: 33rd Regular Session (2016 Sep)

Agenda Item: Item3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development



Human Rights Council Thirty-third session

Agenda item 3

Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,

political, economic, social and cultural rights,

including the right to development

Russian Federation: amendment to draft resolution A/HRC/33/L.3/Rev.1

33/… Preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights

The thirteenth preambular paragraph should read

Recognizing that the human rights of women include a woman’s right to have

control over, and to decide freely and responsibly on, matters related to her sexuality,

including sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion, discrimination and violence,