Original HRC document


Document Type: Amendment Resolution

Date: 2017 Jun

Session: 35th Regular Session (2017 Jun)

Agenda Item: Item3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development



Human Rights Council Thirty-fifth session

6–23 June 2017

Agenda item 3

Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,

political, economic, social and cultural rights,

including the right to development

Denmark,* Finland,* Iceland,* Netherlands, Norway,* Sweden,* Switzerland, United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uruguay:* amendment to draft

resolution A/HRC/35/L.21

35/… Protection of the family: role of the family in supporting the protection and promotion of human rights of older persons

Paragraph 29 should read

29. Decides to convene, with the support of the High Commissioner, before the

thirty-eighth session of the Human Rights Council, a one-day intersessional seminar on the

impact of the implementation by States of their obligations under relevant provisions of

international human rights law with regard to the protection of the family on the role of

families in supporting the protection and promotion of the human rights of older persons,

and to discuss challenges and best practices in this regard, with the participation of Member

States and other relevant stakeholders, including national human rights institutions,

academic experts and civil society organizations;

* State not a member of the Human Rights Council.