Human Rights Council

Tenth Session

Resolution 10/28. United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training

The Human Rights Council,

Recalling Council resolution 6/10 of 28 September 2007, in which the Council requested the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee to prepare a draft Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training, to be presented to the Council for its consideration,

Mindful and appreciative of the efforts made on this issue by the International Labour Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the United Nations Development Programme and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as by other relevant stakeholders, including educators and non-governmental organizations,

Underlining in particular the role of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in promoting human rights education,

Welcoming the interest expressed by a high number of stakeholders in their answers to the questionnaire prepared by the Advisory Committee seeking their views and inputs on the possible elements of the content of the draft Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training,

Welcoming with satisfaction the progress report on the draft Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training submitted to the Council by the Committee at the current session,

1. Urges all relevant stakeholders that have not yet submitted their responses to the questionnaire prepared by the Advisory Committee on the possible elements of the content of the Declaration to do so, and to take into account existing relevant instruments;

2. Welcomes the initiative of the Platform for Human Rights Education and Training to organize a seminar, with the participation of experts and specialists and the assistance and expertise of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and all interested parties, in order to further the reflection on elements to be included in the draft Declaration;

3. Requests the Advisory Committee to submit its draft Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training to the Council for consideration at its thirteenth session.

45th meeting 27 March 2009

[Adopted without a vote.]
