GE.12- 17350

Human Rights Council Twenty-first session

Agenda item 3

Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,

political, economic, social and cultural rights,

including the right to development

Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council


Panel discussion on the negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment

of human rights

The Human Rights Council,

Guided by the Charter of the United Nations,

Reaffirming the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants

on Human Rights and other relevant international human rights instruments,

Recalling all relevant resolutions of the Commission on Human Rights and the

Human Rights Council, including Council resolution 19/20 of 23 March 2012 on the role of

good governance in the promotion and protection of human right, as well as the United

Nations Millennium Declaration,

Deeply concerned about the increasing negative impact of widespread corruption on

the enjoyment of human rights,

Recognizing that corruption constitutes one of the obstacles to the effective

promotion and protection of human rights, as well as to the achievement of the Millennium

Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals,

Welcoming the resolve of States parties to the United Nations Convention against

Corruption, noting with interest the provisions of the Convention that have led to the

development of a mechanism among States parties to review their progress in combating

corruption, and welcoming also the commitment made by all States in the 2005 World

Summit Outcome to make the fight against corruption a priority at all levels ,

 The resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council will be contained in

the report of the Council on its twenty-first session (A/HRC/21/2), chap. I.

Welcoming also the joint statement on the negative impact of corruption on the

enjoyment of human rights made on behalf of one hundred and thirty four States Members

of the United Nations at the twentieth session of the Human Rights Council,

1. Decides to convene, at its twenty-second session, from within existing

resources, a panel discussion on the issue of the negative impact of corruption on the

enjoyment of human rights;

2. Requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human

Rights to organize the above-mentioned panel discussion and to liaise with States, relevant

United Nations bodies, agencies, treaty bodies and special procedures, in particular the

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the United Nations Development

Programme, international organizations, in particular the International Anti-Corruption

Academy, relevant regional human rights mechanisms, as well as with civil society, non-

governmental organizations and national human rights institutions, with a view to ensuring

their participation in the panel discussion;

3. Also requests the Office of the High Commissioner to prepare and submit a

summary report on the panel discussion to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-third


37th meeting

27 September 2012

[Adopted without a vote.]