GE.14-08690 (E)


Human Rights Council Twenty-sixth session Agenda item 10 Technical assistance and capacity-building

Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council

26/31 Technical and capacity-building assistance for South Sudan in the field of human rights

The Human Rights Council,

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and relevant human rights treaties,

Emphasizing that States have the primary responsibility for the promotion and protection of human rights,

Recalling General Assembly resolutions 60/251 of 15 March 2006 and 65/281 of 17 June 2011,

Recalling also Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007, as well as Council resolutions 18/17 of 29 September 2011, 21/28 of 28 September 2012 and 23/24 of 14 June 2013 on technical assistance and capacity-building for South Sudan in the field of human rights, and President’s statement PRST 25/2 of 28 March 2014,

Recalling further Security Council resolution 2155 (2014) of 27 May 2014, Deeply concerned at the human rights situation in South Sudan and at reports of

atrocities committed since the outbreak of violence on 15 December 2013, including the targeted killing of civilians and mass displacements, and allegations of unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers, widespread incidents of arbitrary arrest and detention, and sexual violence,

Commending the leading role played by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, and expressing support for its monitoring and verification mechanism,

Welcoming the establishment and work of the African Union Commission of Inquiry for South Sudan, and stressing the importance of thorough and genuine investigations into all human rights violations and abuses, and violations of international humanitarian law, to ensure that all perpetrators are brought to justice,

Welcoming also the engagement of the Secretary-General, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, and taking note of the statements made by the High Commissioner on 30 April and 9 May 2014 and the report of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan of 8 May 2014,

Welcoming further the commitment made by the parties to the conflict to end the conflict and to fully engage in the ongoing peace process led by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the agreements of 9 May and 10 June 2014, which included, inter alia, the decision to deploy a protection and deterrent force in South Sudan and to form an inclusive transitional National Unity Government,

1. Expresses grave concern at the situation in South Sudan;

2. Strongly condemns the abuses and violations of human rights, and violations of international humanitarian law, including the targeted killing of civilians and mass displacements, and allegations of unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers, widespread incidents of arbitrary arrest and detention, sexual violence and mass killings of people that have occurred in the aftermath of the violence that broke out on 15 December 2013;

3. Demands a halt to all human rights violations, abuses and acts of violence by all parties;

4. Stresses that the perpetrators of violations and abuses and those ordering them should be held accountable and brought to justice;

5. Emphasizes that international human rights mechanisms should make efforts to support the work of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, the African Union and its Commission of Inquiry for South Sudan upon their request;

6. Calls upon all parties to respect and implement the signed agreements of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and to commit to inclusive dialogue, reconciliation and peacebuilding;

7. Calls upon the international community to assist neighbouring countries hosting refugees, especially women, children and persons with disabilities;

8. Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, as a matter of urgency, to monitor the situation of human rights in South Sudan and to report thereon to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-eighth session, with recommendations on technical assistance and capacity-building measures, including on human rights education to overcome challenges in the areas of security and on the importance of accountability and transitional justice in South Sudan;

9. Decides to convene, at its twenty-seventh session, a panel discussion on the human rights situation in South Sudan, and in this regard;

(a) Requests the High Commissioner to submit an interim report on the human rights situation in South Sudan for discussion by the panel;

(b) Also requests the High Commissioner to invite the Government of South Sudan, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission of Inquiry for South Sudan, the Chief Mediator of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan and the Chairperson of the South Sudan Human Rights Commission;

(c) Further requests the High Commissioner to prepare a report on the panel discussion in the form of a summary and to submit it to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-eighth session;

10. Requests that the High Commissioner be provided with all necessary and appropriate resources to fulfil this mandate.

40th meeting 27 June 2014

[Adopted without a vote.]