GE.A/HRC/25/59. 5-07222 (E)


Human Rights Council Twenty-eighth session

Agenda item 3

Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,

political, economic, social and cultural rights,

including the right to development

Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council

28/3. Ensuring use of remotely piloted aircraft or armed drones in

counter-terrorism and military operations in accordance with

international law, including international human rights and

humanitarian law

The Human Rights Council,

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, in

particular Article 2, paragraph 4 thereof,

Reaffirming the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the right

to life, liberty and security of person, among other rights,

Reaffirming also the principles enshrined in the Vienna Declaration and Programme

of Action,

Reaffirming further the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and

Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,

Reaffirming Human Rights Council resolution 25/22 of 28 March 2014, and

recalling General Assembly resolution 68/178 of 18 December 2013 and Council

resolutions 19/19 of 23 March 2012 and 25/7 of 27 March 2014,

Taking note with appreciation of the reports of the Special Rapporteur on the

protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, presented

to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-fifth session,1 and of the Special Rapporteur on

extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, submitted to the General Assembly at its

sixty-eighth session,A/68/382.

1. Welcomes the holding on 22 September 2014 of the interactive panel

discussion of experts on the use of remotely piloted aircraft or armed drones in compliance

with international law, and takes note with appreciation of the summary report thereof;A/HRC/28/38.

2. Invites the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and

relevant special procedures of the Human Rights Council and the human rights treaty

bodies to pay attention, within the framework of their mandates, to violations of

international law as a result of the use of remotely piloted aircraft or armed drones;

3. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

55th meeting

26 March 2015

[Adopted by a recorded vote of 29 to 6, with 12 abstentions. The voting was as follows:

In favour:

Algeria, Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Botswana, Brazil, China,

Congo, Cuba, El Salvador, Gabon, Ghana, Indonesia, Ireland, Kazakhstan,

Kenya, Maldives, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay,

Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, South Africa,

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam


France, Japan, Republic of Korea, the former Yugoslav Republic of

Macedonia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United

States of America


Albania, Bangladesh, Côte d’Ivoire, Estonia, Ethiopia, Germany, India,

Latvia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Portugal, United Arab Emirates]