Original HRC document


Document Type: Final Resolution

Date: 2015 Apr

Session: 28th Regular Session (2015 Mar)

Agenda Item: Item10: Technical assistance and capacity-building

Topic: Iraq, Terrorism

GE.15-07237 (E)


Human Rights Council Twenty-eighth session

Agenda item 10

Technical assistance and capacity-building

Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council

28/32. Technical assistance and capacity-building in strengthening

human rights in Iraq in the light of the abuses committed by Daesh and

associated terrorist groups

The Human Rights Council,

Guided by the Charter of the United Nations,

Recalling Security Council resolutions 1624 (2005) of 14 September 2005, 2169

(2014) of 30 July 2014, 2170 (2014) of 15 August 2014 and 2199 (2015) of 12 February

2015, General Assembly resolution 60/288 of 8 September 2006 and Human Rights

Council resolution 25/7 of 27 March 2014,

Recalling also Human Rights Council resolution S-22/1 of 1 September 2014,

Taking note of the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for

Human Rights on the mission dispatched by the Office of the High Commissioner to

investigate alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law committed by

the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and associated terrorist groups,1

Reaffirming that the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental

freedoms are the responsibility of Governments,

Noting the efforts of the Government of Iraq, notably the current Government of

national unity formed in September 2014 to promote and protect human rights,

1. Condemns in the strongest possible terms the continued, widespread and

grave abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law committed

by Daesh and associated terrorist groups, and strongly condemns in particular all violence

committed against persons based on their religion or ethnicity and attacks on civilians,

particularly against women and children;

2. Urges the Government of Iraq to investigate all alleged abuses and violations

of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law;

1 A/HRC/28/18.

United Nations A/HRC/RES/28/32

General Assembly

3. Urges the international community to assist Iraq in its efforts to ensure

humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons fleeing the areas affected by

violence, and to put in place measures to protect the sites of mass graves of those killed by


4. Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to

provide technical assistance to the Government of Iraq to assist in the promotion and

protection of human rights, including by all Iraqi parties, and to provide a written report

thereon to the Human Rights Council at its thirtieth session.

58th meeting

27 March 2015

[Adopted without a vote.]