

Human Rights Council Thirty-sixth session

11–29 September 2017

Agenda item 4

Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on 29 September 2017

36/19. Renewal of the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry on


The Human Rights Council,

Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations,

Recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants

on Human Rights and other relevant international human rights instruments,

Recalling also General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006 and Human

Rights Council resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007,

Recalling further Human Rights Council resolutions 30/27 of 2 October 2015, S-

24/1 of 17 December 2015 and 33/24 of 30 September 2016,

1. Expresses concern about the findings of the Commission of Inquiry on


2. Requests the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi to present its report,1

including any necessary follow-up action, to the General Assembly at its seventy-second


3. Recommends that the General Assembly submit the report of the Commission

of Inquiry on Burundi to all relevant United Nations bodies for consideration and

appropriate action;

4. Decides to extend for a period of one year the mandate of the Commission of

Inquiry on Burundi, and requests the Commission to present an oral briefing to the Human

Rights Council at its thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth sessions, and a final report during an

interactive dialogue at its thirty-ninth session and at the seventy-third session of the General


1 A/HRC/36/54.

5. Urges the Government of Burundi to cooperate fully with the Commission of

Inquiry on Burundi, to authorize it to conduct visits to the country and to provide it with all

the information necessary to fulfil its mandate;

6. Requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human

Rights to provide all the resources necessary to the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi to

allow it to fulfil its mandate;

7. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

40th meeting

29 September 2017

[Adopted by a recorded vote of 22 to 11, with 14 abstentions. The voting was as follows:

In favour:

Albania, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Croatia, El Salvador, Georgia,

Germany, Hungary, Japan, Latvia, Mongolia, Netherlands, Panama,

Paraguay, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Slovenia, Switzerland,

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of



Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Burundi, China, Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Ghana,

Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela (Bolivarian

Republic of)


Bangladesh, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya,

Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Philippines, Qatar, Togo, Tunisia]