Human Rights Council

Resolution 6/18. Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: follow-up to Human Rights Council resolutions S-1/1 and S-3/1

The Human Rights Council,

Recalling its resolutions S-1/1 of 6 July 2006 and S-3/1 of 15 November 2006,

Noting with regret that Israel, the occupying Power, has not implemented to

date these two resolutions and hindered the dispatching of the urgent fact-finding

missions specified therein,

1. Calls for the implementation of its resolutions S-1/1 and S-3/1,

including the dispatching of the urgent fact-finding missions;

2. Requests the President of the Human Rights Council and the United

Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to report to the Council at its next

session on their efforts for the implementation of Council resolutions S-1/1 and S-3/1

and on the compliance of Israel, the occupying Power, with these two resolutions.

[Adopted without a vote] 21st meeting

28 September 2007
