Human Rights Council

Resolution 7/11. The role of good governance in the promotion and protection of human rights

The Human Rights Council,

Guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard

of achievement of all peoples and all nations applying to every individual and every

organ of society, and also the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, which

affirmed that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and


Recalling Commission on Human Rights resolution 2005/68 of 20 April 2005

and all previous relevant resolutions on the role of the good governance in the

promotion of human rights, as well as the United Nations Millennium Declaration,

Recognizing the importance of a conducive environment, at both the national

and the international levels, for the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental

freedoms and of the mutually reinforcing relationship between good governance and

human rights,

Recognizing also that transparent, responsible, accountable and participatory

government, responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people, including women

and members of vulnerable and marginalized groups, is the foundation on which good

governance rests and that such a foundation is an indispensable condition for the full

realization of human rights, including the right to development,

Emphasizing that democracies have embedded institutional advantages

incontestably favourable to sustainable development, and that when based on the

respect for human rights, they provide political incentives to Governments to respond

to the needs and demands of the people, allow for more informed and extensive policy

dialogue, are more adaptable, and create necessary checks and balances on

Government power,

Reaffirming the leading role played by the United Nations in developing and

promoting democracy and human rights, and recognizing the role of other processes,

including the International Conference of New or Restored Democracies and the

Community of Democracies,

Reaffirming also the importance of international and regional cooperation,

when required by the States in need, in order to facilitate the implementation of good

governance and anti-corruption practices at all levels,

Stressing that good governance at the national and international levels is

essential for sustained economic growth, sustainable development and the eradication

of poverty and hunger, as reflected in the 2005 World Summit Outcome,

Noting with satisfaction the outcomes of the respective conferences of the

Community of Democracies, held in Warsaw in 2000, in Seoul in 2002, in Santiago in

2005 and in Bamako in 2007, at which the States committed themselves to build on

shared principles and goals to promote democracy in all regions of the world, to

support the integrity of democratic processes in societies on the democratic path and

to coordinate policies to enhance the effectiveness of democratic governance,

Realizing that the fight against corruption at all levels plays an important role

in the promotion and protection of human rights and in the process of creating an

environment conducive to their full enjoyment,

Recognizing the increasing awareness in the international community of the

detrimental impact of widespread corruption on human rights, through both the

weakening of institutions and the erosion of public trust in government, as well as

through the impairment of the ability of Governments to fulfil their human rights

obligations, particularly the economic and social rights of the most vulnerable and


Recognizing also that effective anti-corruption measures and the protection of

human rights are mutually reinforcing and that the promotion and protection of human

rights is essential to the fulfilment of all aspects of an anti-corruption strategy,

Noting with attention the outcome of the first and second sessions of the

Conference of the States parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption,

held in Dead Sea, Jordan, in 2006, and in Bali, Indonesia, in 2008,

1. Welcomes the note by the United Nations High Commissioner for

Human Rights transmitting the report on the United Nations Conference on anti-

corruption, good governance and human rights, held in Warsaw, on 8 and 9

November 2006, by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and

noting the main themes discussed during the seminar:

(a) The impact of corruption on human rights;

(b) Human rights and good governance in the fight against corruption;

(c) The role of civil society, the private sector and the media;

(d) Fighting corruption while safeguarding human rights;

2. Invites States to consider ratifying or acceding to the United Nations

Convention against Corruption and to promote transparency, accountability,

prevention and enforcement as key principles of anti-corruption efforts;

3. Welcomes the publication of the Office of the United Nations High

Commissioner for Human Rights entitled “Good Governance Practices for the

Protection of Human Rights”, pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution

2005/68, and requests the Office of the High Commissioner to prepare a publication

on anti-corruption, good governance and human rights, drawing on the results of the

Warsaw conference;

4. Decides to continue its consideration of the question of the role of

good governance, including the issue of the fight against corruption in the promotion

and protection of human rights, at a future session.

40th meeting 27 March 2008

Adopted by a recorded vote of 41 to none, with 6 abstentions. The voting was as follows:

In favour: Angola, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Cameroon,

Canada, Djibouti, Egypt, France, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, India,

Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritius,

Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of

Korea, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland,

Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uruguay,


Abstaining: Bolivia, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka.